If you didn't know it was the Bournemouth Air Festival at the weekend and my god it was amazing, it started on the thursday and ran till sunday, not being into planes and stuff i thought i would go along and just be bored but i have to say it was so good i was whooping an cheering on the beach lol on the saturday it was reported 350,000 people where there. the red arrows topped it all off and the stunning giant the vulcan ! here are a couple of pics -
If anyone has ever heard the roar of the vulcans engines you will now it rattles your windows and you can feel it in your chest it's so loud .......however oliver managed to sleep thought its flight lol bless him...... however when the euro fighter did it's bit he soon woke bless him what a shock for him ! think its the loudest plane i have ever heard almost needed eardefenders .
I also got a bargin from our local bootsale on sunday a toyota sewing machine 2640 for £5 with needles etc I'm so excited as i'm dying to make some curtains etc and a quilt.
Sounds like you had a fab time :)
ReplyDeleteHugs x
The airshow was great wasnt it. We did pop down on the Sunday for a few hours but the good thing is we live not far from Southbourne cliffs so the planes came over our way anyway. I'm not into planes either but I find there is something quite exhilerating about watching them all. Great bargain with the sewing machine, hope you have fun making your curtains and everything, dont forget to post them so I can have a peek. Me and sewing, oh dear, just dont go! Lovely blog btw, Take care, Ann-Marie xxx